Module H5PL

Provides access to the low-level HDF5 “H5PL” plugins interface.

These functions are probably not thread safe.

h5py.h5pl.append(STRING search_path)

Add a directory to the end of the plugin search path.

h5py.h5pl.get(UINT index) STRING

Get the directory path at the given index (starting from 0) in the plugin search path. Returns a Python bytes object.

h5py.h5pl.insert(STRING search_path, UINT index)

Insert a directory at the given index in the plugin search path.

h5py.h5pl.prepend(STRING search_path)

Add a directory to the start of the plugin search path.

h5py.h5pl.remove(UINT index)

Remove the specified entry from the plugin search path.

h5py.h5pl.replace(STRING search_path, UINT index)

Replace the directory at the given index in the plugin search path.

h5py.h5pl.size() UINT

Get the number of directories currently in the plugin search path.